Friday, June 5, 2015


Este es Mexico.  México esta en Norteamerica.  En México, habla espanol. México muncho corn in tortillas y soup.  México also muncho cocolaté.  

Mostly maiz in comida.  Como maiz tortillas.  México muncho maiz in tortillas.  México put tomatos in it too. México put peppers in the maiz tortillas too.

In México there is a lot of chocolate. They put nuts or white chocolate in it. It is popular everywhere in México.

México city is the capital in México.  It is 900 miles long.  México city mestizos really like the city.

Temple of kukulkan at chichen itza.

My topic of interest is México dancing.  In México they danza. “Aspen Santa Fe Ballet” is a type of ballet.  Este danza is popular in México.

My intrest is about hunting in mexico.  The Mexican Government allows licensed sport hunting in season, as regulated by semarnap.

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