Friday, June 5, 2015

Argentina Choice Topic

Argentina tango popular. Argentinos usan los Violines guitarras, flautas, pianos  en el tango. Una cancion popular es “The Sun Goes Down” y “Lean On”.

El equipo de fútbol Nacio
nal de Argentina. El Argentinean fútbol equipo has won dos World Cups.  Tienen tambien been runners up en el World Cup tres times.  Argentina has uno de el best professional futbol players on el equipo. Que se llama Lionel Messi.

Flan de queso
dscn1952.jpgOne of el principal ingredientes es queso. Este es un caramel topped crema-queso custard.
The ingredients are
  • 1/2 cup sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons water.
  • 8 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese, (Neufchâtel), softened.
  • 8 large eggs.
  • 1 14-ounce can nonfat or low-fat sweetened condensed milk.
  • 1 12-ounce can nonfat or low-fat evaporated milk.
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract.

Gymnasia es mi favorite deporte. It puede ser peligroso pero it el aun diversion. Chicas y chicos pueden hacer Gymnasia, no solo chicas. Pero chicos la hacen diferente.


Algunos chameleons viven en Bolivia.
Ellos lata cambian de color  y mezclan en con su hábitat.


Image result for snakes in mexicoThere are so many snakes in Mexico like this one right here.

They are slimey and there a lots of kind of snakes. They can bite people and maybe kill them and don't cut the head off it can bite you still it's kind of a live. 
In Spanish, snakes are called "serpientes."                                                                                         

Puerto Rico's History

Christopher Columbus sailed to Puerto Rico en 1493 on his seguendo periplo to el Western Hemisphere. Juan Ponce de Leon led Spaniards to Puerto Rico en 1508, y ellos establecido allí. Puerto Rico was attacked muchos tiempos. Ellos survived muchos attacks by comercios en cattle, hides, sugar, tobacco, y food. Columbus claimed Puerto Rico for Spain, and it was in Spanish possession until 1898 when Spain gave Puerto Rico to the U.S. at the end of the Spanish- American War.
Christopher Columbus

SANTIAGO-IRIZARRY, VILMA. "Puerto Rico." Countries and Their Cultures. Ed. Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember. Vol. 3. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2001. 1814-1824. General OneFile. Web. 5 June 2015.

Peru Traditions

Peru Tradition

© 2012 Mylene D'Auriol

En Peru hay muchos colores. They would vestido en colorful ropas y bailan la Danza de tijeras (scissor dance). El baile tradicional se llama Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Este es just uno de los tradiciones en Peru. Otro tradicion es to give cosas a la tierra. Peruvian people would give on el agosto 1st until el fin de month. Another form de pago es apachetas. Que they would do was tiro piedra y drinks. They thought esto would make mama naturaleza.


Topic of Interest: Iguanas

Iguanas are reptiles that live en southern Mexico, Central America, y South America. They eat fruits, vines, y leaves. An iguana’s average lifespan es 20 años. Hay 8 types de iguanas.

Virtual Flying

My place of interés is Virtual-Fly in Barcelona, Spain. Ella es un virtual vuelo simulador. Ella would be divertido a fingir your flying. IMG_16901-1024x682.jpg

Costa Rica Swimming

A Lugar for Swimming in Costa Rica

Tambor a lugar for swimming in Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.

Image from:


Este es Mexico.  México esta en Norteamerica.  En México, habla espanol. México muncho corn in tortillas y soup.  México also muncho cocolaté.  

Mostly maiz in comida.  Como maiz tortillas.  México muncho maiz in tortillas.  México put tomatos in it too. México put peppers in the maiz tortillas too.

In México there is a lot of chocolate. They put nuts or white chocolate in it. It is popular everywhere in México.

México city is the capital in México.  It is 900 miles long.  México city mestizos really like the city.

Temple of kukulkan at chichen itza.

My topic of interest is México dancing.  In México they danza. “Aspen Santa Fe Ballet” is a type of ballet.  Este danza is popular in México.

My intrest is about hunting in mexico.  The Mexican Government allows licensed sport hunting in season, as regulated by semarnap.

The Orb Spider

Spiders are very creepy for many people. The legs, eyes, and the hairiness are not appealing, but spiders are very smart too. There is one spider, called the Orb Spider that fooled its predators and scientists! Until very recently, the Orb Spider, was a little mystery.

The Peruvian Orb Spider, knows that it is too small to beat its predators. To solve the problem, the little spider builds a huge spider out of insects, leaves and twigs. This spider is supposed to scare predators away. It fooled EVERYONE and EVERYTHING! A few months ago, scientists looked at the huge spider, and then noticed the smaller spider under it. This discovery led to the realization, that spiders are not only gross and hairy, but intelligent too.

Costa Rica ~ Soccer

fútbol es el most popular deporte played en Costa Rica.  It’s mostly played by chico's.
Image credit~

Friday, May 29, 2015

What is a popular dish/food?
“Manjar blanco”
Manjar blanco medio, “milk sweet.”
Manjar blanco fue originada  en Argentina, manjar blanco es también called Dulce de leche.

The Peru Markets

Mercados de Peru are fun and busy. Vendedores sell things like alpaca fibre garments, pinturas, instrumentos, comidas, and lots more. Mi hermano fue a Peru, and he said that the mercados fueron muy interesantes. Gente would yell what they are selling and the precio. They often had a cabina to vende what they want. Mercados son muy divertidos. 

Peru-Market-600x450.jpg (600×450)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Lugares importantes de Republica Dominicana
Este es Santo Domingo. Santo Domingo es el capital de La República Dominicana.  La República Dominicana la ciudad más grande en el país.

This is the capital building.

Madidi National Park esta en Bolivia. Madidi National Park tiene muchos animales. Madidi National Park Encompassing over 7,000 square miles. Madidi National Park es como una selva.  
La Rica Montana es en Bolivia. La Rica Montana tiene una historia interesante. La gente mina en  la montaña para encontrar la plata adentro de la montana.

San Jose

Este es San Jose.  El Population en San Jose es 288,054.  San José  es el capital of Costa Rica.  
Image credit~

Mexican Dessert

Post 3. Mexican Food

Churros are un popular Mexican dessert. Churros are popular en America, Spain, France, The Philippines, y Portugal. These are el ingredients de un churro:

  • 1 cup water
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons white sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 quarts oil for frying
  • 1/2 cup white sugar, or to taste
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Desserts in Peru

Uno de el most popular postres en Peru es las Tres Leches. Translation: Three Milks. Este dish se llama asi porque en la receta se usa tres tipos de leches. Es popular en Mexico, Guatemala, Peru y Espana.


Post Draft = Este es Cartago de Costa Rica. Cartago does un  lot of la production of comida. Cartago has many histórico lugares that son histórico.

Popular Food Dishes in Argentina

3Salted caramel choc pots
Dulce De Leche es dish popular en Argentina.  Esta en todo Argentina.  Este plato tiene mucho leche y azúcar.

Este es una empanada. Hay carne y huevos inside la empanada.  Esta en todo Argentina.

Costa Rica Food

En Costa Rica ellos come arroz y frijoles para  most of their meals.  

Para dessert ellos come Flan.

Picture credit~ Picture one~

Picture two~

Friday, May 15, 2015

Popular Savory Dish in Puerto Rico

Post 4: Popular Savory Dishes in Puerto Rico

Un plato savory popular en Puerto Rico es estofado. Son usually hechos en un caldero. Un estofado popular es el carne guisada puertorriqueña, un beef stew puertorriqueño.  Esta en todo Puerto Rico.

Spain Food Dish

En Espana seafood es a popular comida. Ellos come fish a lot.  

Peru Savory Dish

Post 4: Popular Savory Dishes in Peru

En Peru, gente rico come a diet of carne y  arroz. Puedes encontrar this meal in Lima. Ingredientes include, obviously, carne, arroz and sometimes pimientos. Gente le encanta este plato. Abajo es un foto.


Este es Mexico.  México esta en Norteamerica.  En México, habla espanol. México muncho corn in tortillas y soup.  México also muncho cocolaté.  

Mostly maiz in comida.  Como maiz tortillas.  México muncho maiz in tortillas.  México put tomatos in it too. México put peppers in the maiz tortillas too.

In México there is a lot of chocolate. They put nuts or white chocolate in it. It is popular everywhere in México.

México city is the capital in México.  It is 900 miles long.  México city mestizos really like the city.

Temple of kukulkan at chichen itza.

My topic of interest is México dancing.  In México they danza. “Aspen Santa Fe Ballet” is a type of ballet.  Este danza is popular in México.

My intrest is about hunting in mexico.  The Mexican Government allows licensed sport hunting in season, as regulated by semarnap.

Friday, February 20, 2015

                                                    San Jose

Este es San Jose.  El Population en San Jose es 288,054.  San José  es el capital of Costa Rica.

Places of Interest in Argentina

Valle De La Luna
Este es la Valle de La Luna.  El Eoraptor was found en Valle De La Luna.  Si usted go a Valle De La Luna seria como el Grand Canyon.  


La Ciudad Mexico

Este es La Ciudad Mexico. En La Ciudad Mexico, hay 20,000,000 people. La Ciudad Mexico was founded en 1521. La Ciudad Mexico es el capital de Mexico.

Inglesia y Convento

Post 3: Lugares importantes de Peru
Este es “Lima.” Es como una palace. La calles pres always ocupado. Pron is called Inglesia y Convento, pron is a hermoso y grande. Pron is gastado for a siteseeing, pron is a argeolegists site.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

El Yunque

Esta en El Yunque es un montana con un bosque pluvial en su cuestas.el bosque ha cines de oriundo especie de árbol y otro planta.

Lugares de interés

Este es “ Camp Nou”.

 Camp Nou es the futbol stadium for Club Barcelona. Ella en esta in Barcelona. They have won  muchoes trophoes

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Introducción de República Dominicana

Este es Republica Dominicana.  República Dominicana es en Caribbean.  Gente habla espanol.  El capital of Republica Dominicana is Santo Domingo.  

Image from:
Este es “Machu Picchu.” Es como una ciudad muy viaja. La paredes eres made of piedre y la montanas pres una bonito trozo de paisaje. Machu Picchu haber una sitio eso ciudadania de la Inca realeza familia podia quedarse quando ellos estuviera estar fuera desde Cusco. Tu poder visitar Machu Piccu hoy.     

Rio Camuy Cave Park

Esta en Rio Camuy Cave Park. Esta en un hermoso parque cerca Arecibo. Pron ha de caliza cuevas. Ellos estuviera tallared por uno de el mundo’s más grande bajo tierra ríos.